January 11, 2011

"To Do" before "I Do"

I am a person who does not like having things hanging over my head.  Someone who thrives on crossing out things that are on my to do list.  Generally speaking, my normal to-do list looks something like this:

Pick up cat food
Grocery shop
Buy birthday gift for Saturday's party
Get oil changed in car

Not bad, right?  Totally manageable.

However, once I got engaged, my to-do list went from manageable to manic.  The sheer volume of things to address, big and small when planning a wedding is staggering.  However, because of how much I love to cross things off my list (I'm not kidding...I really do experience joy and a sense of accomplishment from drawing lines through words on paper), our wedding is pretty much planned inside of 10 weeks...kinda.

This time, though, every time I cross one thing out, two more appear.  Hire florist...check.  Schedule tastings...check.  Figure out hotel arrangements for out-of-towners, find shoes, schedule hair and makeup trial runs, order invitations, plan this, buy that, call her, e-mail him.  The list goes on and on.  And when will it stop?  Once I say "I do", I suppose.  So, I have another 130+ days ( I don't literally count the days, but the big countdown is listed on our registries) to obsess, worry, enjoy, plan, obsess some more and get it all done. 

Fortunately, my fiance has been a steady ship, cruising right along next to me.  He looks at wedding invitation samples with me.  He listened to me ramble on and on about whether or not the glasses we registered for "go well enough" with what will be our new dishes.  He listens to me when I tell him that I found the cutest spatula to add to our registry.  I mean, really, who cares about a spatula?   However, he manages to stay on course, not wavering or over thinking any part of this process, while I feel as if I am an erratic worrier every step of the way.  I guess that Venus and Mars theory really does hold water.  Fortunately, the yin and yang thing holds water as well.  He is definitely calm and I'm well...not.

But, as we make our way to our big day, I know it will all get done.  The to-do list will slowly shrink, the pressing decisions will dissipate and the plans will come to fruition.  And in the end, we will have one thing left on our collective to do list: live happily ever after.

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